Terms and Conditions


Below you will find the rules and regulations of Wira Pilates – the Pilates studio, which include information on, among other things, how to purchase an Entry Pass or Pass entitling to make a Reservation and participate in the classes, available payment methods and regarding cancellation of the classes.

The classes in Wira Pilates studio are run by Klaudia Wira, who runs a sole proprietorship, “Wira Pilates Klaudia Wira”, with its registered seat in Warsaw (02-757), 7A/3 Biala Koniczyny Street, registered in the Central Register of Business Activity and Information, using NIP (taxpayer identification number): 5214014189. These Terms and Conditions also apply to classes run by other Wira Pilates studio employees.

You can contact us at any time by sending an email to hello@wirapilates.pl


Wira Pilates Team

§ 1 Definitions

For the purposes of these regulations, the following meanings of the following terms are adopted:

  1. Buyer – an individual, legal entity or disabled person, testifying to the absence of contraindications to participate in the class, or informing the instructor before the class of any contraindications and their general health condition.
  2. Class – a private or duo training, taking place in Wira Pilates studio, conducted by a Wira Pilates instructor.
  3. Terms and Conditions – these terms and conditions, available at www.wirapilates.pl/ terms and conditions.
  4. Seller – “Wira Pilates Klaudia Wira” with its registered seat in Warsaw (02-757), 7A/3 Biala Koniczyny Street, NIP: 5214014189.
  5. Website – the website available at www.wirapilates.pl.
  6. Reservation Calendar – a reservation calendar to sign up for classes.
  7. Reservation – a reserved date for a class to be held at Wira Pilates studio.
  8. Entrance Pass – a one-time Entrance Pass entitling you to sign up for one class at Wira Pilates studio.
  9. Season Pass – 4 or 8 Season Passes for 4 or 8 training sessions in Wira Pilates studio.

§ 2 Preliminary provisions

  1. The Seller provides the Buyer with an opportunity to participate in classes at Wira Pilates studio for a fee.
  2. The opportunity to purchase an Entry Pass or a Pass for classes may be limited in time and quantity. During periods when the possibility of booking classes at a convenient time for the Buyer is limited, the Buyer has the option to sign up for a waiting list, specifying the exact date and time by which he/she wishes to be on the list.
  3. The Buyer may not purchase an Entrance Pass or Pass and sign up for classes anonymously or under a pseudonym.
  4. All prices listed on the Site are gross prices.

§ 3 Services provided electronically

  1. Through the Site, the Seller provides electronic services to the Buyer.
  2. The primary service provided electronically to the Buyer by the Seller is to enable the Buyer to purchase an Entrance Pass or Pass to access the Booking Calendar of classes at Wira Pilates studio.
  3. Placing an order results in the creation of a user account providing access to the Booking Calendar, which means that the Seller also provides an electronic service to the Buyer consisting in the creation and maintenance of a user account. The account stores the Buyer’s data and the history of the Entrances, Passes purchased and training sessions held. The Buyer logs into the Account using his/her e-mail address and a password defined by him/her.
  4. During the period when the ability to make Reservations in the Reservation Calendar is limited, the Seller provides an electronic service to the Buyer consisting of creating an opportunity for the Buyer to sign up for a waiting list and receive emails related to Reservations.
  5. If the Seller provides a newsletter subscription option on the Site, and the Buyer chooses to subscribe to the newsletter, the Seller also provides an electronic service to the Buyer consisting of sending the Buyer e-mails containing information about the Seller’s news, promotions and products. The Buyer may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe button visible in each message sent as part of the newsletter or by sending an appropriate request to the Seller.
  6. Browsing the Site itself is free of charge. Gaining access to the Booking Calendar is subject to a fee and occurs after the then-current purchase of an Entrance Pass or Class Pass.
  7. In order to ensure the security of the Buyer and the transfer of data in connection with the use of the Site, the Seller shall take technical and organizational measures appropriate to the degree of security threat to the services provided, in particular measures to prevent the acquisition and modification of personal data by unauthorized persons.
  8. The Seller shall take measures to ensure the fully correct functioning of the Site. The Buyer should inform the Seller of any irregularities or interruptions in the functioning of the Site.

§ 4 Booking Calendar, Passes, Entrances

  1. Purchase of access to the Reservation Calendar is made by selecting an Entrance Pass or Pass allowing such access. After selecting an Entrance Pass/Card, the Buyer will be transferred to the Reservation Calendar. In the Reservation Calendar, he/she is then given the opportunity to select a convenient class date and make a Reservation. As a condition for making a Reservation, the Buyer must accept the Terms and Conditions, which the Buyer should read in advance. In case of any doubts about the Terms and Conditions, the Buyer may contact the Seller.
  2. Access to the Reservation Calendar is obtained after the then-current purchase of an Entrance Pass or Pass for classes. All types of Entrance Passes and Passes are described on the Site.
  3. The Booking process is completed by clicking on the button finalizing the Booking. Clicking on the button finalizing the Reservation constitutes a declaration of intent by the Buyer leading to the conclusion of a contract with the Seller for training at Wira Pilates studio.
  4. After clicking on the button finalizing the purchase of an Entry or a Pass, the Buyer will be redirected to a payment gateway operated by a third-party payment operator in order to make payment for the order. Available payment methods for the order are presented to the Buyer at the stage of order placement.
  5. The schedule in the Reservation Calendar is constantly updated by Wira Pilates studio due to new Reservations or cancellations.
  6. In the Booking Calendar, a Buyer may make as many Reservations as the Entry or Pass purchased.
  7. Any Reservation may be canceled up to 24 hours prior to its scheduled execution. Any cancellation after the deadline will result in the loss of the Reservation and the amount allocated for it.
  8. Cancellation of a Reservation on the website more than 24 hours before its scheduled execution results in the return of the Entrance Pass, or one of the specified number of entrances in the pass, back to the Buyer’s account and may be used to make another reservation.
  9. The Seller reserves the right to cancel a Booking in an emergency situation. The Buyer then regains the Entrance Pass to his/her account and has the option to make another Reservation.

§ 5 Purchase of Admission and Passes

  1. When purchasing an Entrance Pass or Pass on the Site, the Buyer should select an Entrance Pass or Pass type from the list of available ones described on the Site and place an order on the Site by using the “Order and pay” button and creating an account on the Site.
  2. Time to use: a single Entrance Pass – 4 weeks from the date of purchase; a Pass for 4 entrances – 4 weeks from the date of purchase; a Pass for 8 entrances – 6 weeks from the date of purchase. Unused Entrance Passes and Passes for classes after the deadline prescribed for them are deactivated.
  3. Unused entrances from a previous Pass can be used only if, before its expiration date, the Buyer purchases another Pass of the same value as the previous one and are to be used within the expiration date of the most recent Pass purchased.

§ 6 Withdrawal from the Consumer’s Contract

  1. A consumer who has concluded a remote agreement with the Seller has the right to withdraw from the agreement without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement.
  2. The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply after the training performed at Wira Pilates studio.
  3. To withdraw from the contract, the Consumer must inform the Seller of his decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement – for example, a message sent via e-mail.
  4. In order to observe the deadline for withdrawal, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send information on the exercise of the Consumer’s right of withdrawal before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal.
  5. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Seller shall return to the Consumer all payments received from the Consumer immediately, and in any case no later than 14 days from the date on which the Seller was informed of the exercise of the right of withdrawal. The return of payments will be made using the same means of payment that were used by the Consumer in the original transaction, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to a different solution. In any case, the Consumer will not incur any fees in connection with the form of payment refund.

§ 7 Personal data

  1. The administrator of the Buyer’s personal data is the Seller.
  2. Personal data provided in connection with placing an order is processed for the purpose of concluding and executing the contract, and then for the purpose of asserting, establishing or defending claims related to the contract and identifying the returning customer.
  3. Personal data provided in connection with enrollment in the waiting list, is processed for the purpose of sending messages related to classes and for the purpose of ensuring that the Seller is able to prove the fact and moment of enrollment in the waiting list.
  4. Personal data provided in connection with newsletter enrollment, is processed for the purpose of sending newsletters and for the purpose of ensuring that the Seller is able to demonstrate the fact and moment of newsletter enrollment.

§ 8 Buyer’s health condition

  1. The buyer declares that she has no contraindications to exercise, and will inform the instructor about any illnesses, injuries and contraindications from the doctor before the class.
  2. The buyer declares that if she is pregnant she comes to the classes with permission from the attending physician and has no contraindications to exercise.
  3. The buyer declares that he exercises at his own risk.

§ 9 Prawa autorskie

  1. The content contained on the Site enjoys copyright protection, and its further distribution without the permission of the Seller may result in civil or criminal liability.

§ 10 Complaints and redress of grievances

  1. Any complaints related to Entrance Passes, Passes and content provided to the Buyer, the Buyer may submit via e-mail to hello@wirapilates.pl. In the complaint, the Buyer should provide data identifying him as a user, describe the subject of the complaint and indicate his demands related to the complaint. The Seller will consider all complaints within 14 days of receiving the complaint and will inform the Buyer of its resolution via e-mail.
  2. The Seller agrees to resolve any disputes arising in connection with the use of the Site through mediation proceedings. Details will be determined by the conflicting parties.

§ 11 Final provisions

  1. The Seller reserves the right to introduce and cancel offers, promotions and to change prices shown on the Site without prejudice to the Buyer’s acquired rights, including, in particular, the terms and conditions of contracts concluded before the change.
  2. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions. Contracts concluded prior to the change of the Regulations shall be governed by the Regulations in force on the date of conclusion of the contract.
  3. These Regulations are effective as of 01.05.2023.